Taiwan at the Flashpoint: Grant Newsham’s Wake-Up Call for America

Newsham’s analysis is well-researched and accessible, making complex geopolitical and military issues understandable to a general audience.

When China attacks – A Warning to America, it is a clarion call to Americans about the existential threat from the People’s Republic of China. Newsham does not rely on the usual “China hands” of the so-called experts who have brought the US to this brink of war but instead plumbs a new well of PRC experts who have not sold their souls to the Chinese Communist Party. The author is a former intelligence officer who predicts the forthcoming happenings in the Indo-Pacific theatre and defines how the United States is unprepared for it.

The book drills down the argument in the two major points of whether the dragon has already attacked, or will attack us, further it divides the dragon’s move into Kinetic and non-kinetic moves referring to the ongoing tussle between the USA and China. The author believes that “Considering the events of the COVID-19 rule by fear experience, and state-by-state actions and reactions that you never thought would happen.”[1] This leads to a non-kinetic attack we may refer to it as a biological attack which enables the country of origin in this case China spread the diseases and slow down the world. In this case, China has a fair chance of replacing the world number uno in case the USA is still a question mark, the author elaborates on the same.

With moving forward Newsham turns into a chapter where he describes a hypothetical scene of China’s attack on US forces in the Indo-Pacific. “The People of China have started a war; part of the problem is how China is fighting the war”[2]. Assumptions like this in certain chapters give the book more of a realistic view with the outcome may differ with readers’ mindset and puts the readers on matt.   With his military experience, the author suggests a stark military contest if steps are not taken properly.

The book concludes with a sobering assessment: Taiwan may be the flashpoint for a broader conflict that could engulf the Pacific and beyond.

The book goes into the depth of the scenario also covering side angles in the conflict between the USA and China including trade, currency, IP rights, cyber warfare, the standard of the legal system, and the affirmation of political and social systems in both countries. “The Chinese government known as the People’s Republic of China (PRC) engages in malicious cyber activities to pursue its national interest.”[3] Even the Chinese government deals with illegal hacking forms to gain the information of various government agencies in other countries. The book also mentioned how China played in the trade war with the USA through its currency but is miserably lacking in de-dollars itself now because of the higher influence of the US dollar. This a sector where the USA can play smart by placing its dollars against China’s Yuan and outplay the opponent with the restricted exchange of Chinese currency.

The Taiwan situation gets a special mention in the book by the author, the question is why would China take over Taiwan? If yes, then when? if then how kinetically or non-kinetically? To answer all this set of questions the author mentions the use of Taiwan is for Commercial access which means it’s for Military Access. The book mentions that “Power projection requires access to places overseas where military forces can organize, rest, replenish, and operate.”[4]

Author Col. Grant Newsham

The book in detail explains the Taiwan situation by using the above analogy, the author describes this as a closer mover advantage that enables China to project its power to the world with a non-kinetic takeover of Taiwan, with zero or fewer resources used, getting huge access over the trade route, and opening of Pacific route for itself. Blocking of good supply chain especially distribution of the semiconductors may affect the world. That enables China to take over Taiwan non-kinetically. The author puts his weight behind the fact that Taiwan must fight its own battle as the USA is too far to get into saving Taiwan, geographically.

The flash point will be Taiwan, but the war will extend throughout the Pacific and beyond, and the results could be devastating. America risks a humiliating retreat, with almost unimaginable costs to the country’s economy and security.

The book is a must-read as it provides a well-researched analysis of Chia’s economic military capabilities. Compelling hypothetical scenarios highlighting potential vulnerabilities in US defence, a strong call for renewed American focus on strategic competition with China.

The conflict is coming, and America must change course immediately to avoid defeat.

The book uses very lucid language that helps the laymen understand the geopolitical terminology as well as the military angles mentioned in the book. The book helps the commoner understand the USA’s role, perspective as well as strengths and weaknesses moving forward. The author also suggests methods to improve in the areas where the USA is far behind China. “The United States needs its political warfare strategy that systematically combines diplomacy, propaganda, and economic, financial, and technological strengths with military power and alliances, thus forming a proper campaign plan”[5] 

The book mentions tactical alliances with countries in various fields like defence, politics, infrastructure, etc. to counter China. I would rate the book highly as it brings us samples of futurist scenarios with China which may pose a threat to the world and the USA and methods to deal with it. The book is a perfect work of a realistic geo-political situation and threat and a near-perfect hypothetical answer for the same.

The conflict is coming. We are not ready. Is America’s defeat inevitable? No, but we all must change course immediately. And to do that, we all must wake up and heed the sobering message of When the China Attacks.

(Parag is pursuing his Bachelor’s Degree in Global Affairs at OP Jindal Global University. He has a keen interest in Sports Diplomacy and Indian Politics. Views expressed are the author’s own)

Book: When China Attacks: A Warning to America
Authors: Col. Grant Newsham
Publishers: Jaico Publishing House
Price: ₹ 596 (Paperback)
SW Ratings: ****


  • [1] Pg 307, China attacks: The Political and Kinetic Combine, When China Attacks
  • [2] Pg 3, China Pulls the Trigger, When China Attacks
  • [3] Pg203 Cyber Warfare: Hacking through American Defense When China attacks
  • [4] Pg256 Objective Taiwan When China Attacks
  • [5] Pg 311 How to Defend and Counter, When China Attacks

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