- The George Soros-led network has now abandoned any masks it wore about open intervention in democratic processes and unlawful influence in various European elections.
- George Soros employs a large number of individuals who pose as members of civil society organizations, including politicians, journalists, judges, bureaucrats, and political agitators, whom he buys and pays off to drive his agenda.
- His network uses its most potent weapon, the left-wing media battalions, to defame, denigrate, threaten, and destroy those whom he is unable to influence.
George Soros and his Open Society Foundations have been referred to as “agents of chaos” by governments and competitor organisations for a variety of reasons, including an alleged attempt to topple Russian President Vladimir Putin, destabilising the European Union through mass migration, and supporting Arab Spring protest organisations. Additionally, Soros has assisted other pro-democracy campaigns, both those who experienced the Arab Spring and those in Eastern Europe during the Cold War. These movements were primarily led by local activists and organizations, though Soros assisted by providing funding and resources.
Soros is just as despised by the extreme right as the Clintons are. He is the word equivalent of a universal key. The Washington Post recently quoted a former Republican congressman who claimed that the word Soros triggers “an emotional outcry from the Republican crowds.”He is perceived by them as “somewhat sinister [a person] who plays in the shadows.” Soros has been the target of this antisemitic stereotype for many years. But in recent years, the caricature has evolved to more closely resemble a James Bond villain. Even among conservatives who reject the most extreme parts of the far right, Breitbart’s description of Soros as a “globalist billionaire” determined to transform America into a liberal wasteland is uncontroversial common sense.
George Soros meddling in European affairs
Soros began to lay his faith in the European Union for a worldwide open society in anticipation of American decline, despite his past resentment of the union’s members for not fully embracing Eastern Europe in the 1990s. He acknowledged that the EU had significant issues, but insisted that it was a voluntary organization in which countries “agreed to a limited delegation of sovereignty” for the benefit of all of Europe. It offered a localized example of a global system built on the tenets of an open society.
However, three crises that threatened the stability of the union as per Soros—the refugee crisis, the worsening global recession, and Vladimir Putin’s revanchist assault on standards and international law—quickly crushed Soros’ aspirations for the EU. Although Soros thought that Western countries might potentially address these challenges, he came to the conclusion that they were unlikely to work together to do so, repeating the mistakes of the post-Soviet era.
Over the past ten years, Soros has expressed disappointment over the West’s refusal to pardon Greece’s debt, create a common refugee policy, and consider tightening sanctions against Russia while also failing to provide Ukraine with the resources and funding it required to defend itself after Putin annexed Crimea in 2014. He was further alarmed by the resurgence of right-wing ethnonationalism in many EU countries, including Poland and the UK, which had been supposed to be lost to history. When Britain opted to leave the union in 2016, he was sure that “the disintegration of the EU [was] practically irreversible”. Soros’ hopes of the EU as a role model were not met.
Soros has direct experience with the racialized authoritarianism that has challenged not only the EU but also democracy in Europe as a whole over the past 10 years.
Soros’s meddling in Hungary
The benefactor and Viktor Orbán, the autocratic and Hungary’s anti-immigrant prime minister have had numerous altercations since 2010. Soros recently charged that Orbán was trying to restore a form of fake democracy that Hungary witnessed during world wars.
” Earlier this year, during his successful re-election campaign, Orbán spent a significant amount of time attacking Soros, using antisemitic stereotypes, and alleging that Soros was scheming to bring thousands of thousands of immigrants to Hungary. European Central University which his administration mockingly refers to as “the Soros university,” has also been threatened with closure by Orbán, and last month, to “Stop Soros” measures, new anti-immigration regulations passed by the parliament.
But whereas Orbán poses a threat to open society in Hungary, Donald Trump poses a threat to open society as a whole. Soros has said that the negative consequences of market fundamentalism and the Great Recession on American society were to blame for Trump’s triumph. Soros argued that Americans chose Trump in December 2016 op-ed because “elected leaders failed to meet voters’ legitimate expectations and aspirations [and] this failure led electorates to lose faith in the current iterations of capitalism and democracy.
According to Soros, capitalism’s “winners” failed to “compensate the losers” in a fair manner, which caused a sharp rise in domestic inequality and enmity. Soros was deeply concerned about the prospect of Trump aligning with Putin, Orban, and other authoritarians which would render a global open society virtually impossible to achieve. It is obvious that Soros’s ambition has stagnated in Hungary, the US, and many of the regions of the world that have drawn his interest and investment.
Soros’s meddling in Slovakia
President Andrej Kiska, who last month called for fundamental reforms to the Slovakian government in the wake of the tragic death of journalist Ján Kuciak, was allegedly influenced by Soros, according to Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico. Fico added that the nation’s attention had turned away from the murder inquiry and towards “irrelevant things.”
In a statement, a representative for Kiska claimed that “diversionary tactics like conspiracy theories don’t absolve the prime minister of his responsibility to resolve the serious political crisis or to clear the way for someone else who can.”Several prominent Slovakian authorities have resigned as a result of Kuciak’s passing and the subsequent publication of his draught report, which claimed connections between the Italian mafia and businessmen in Slovakia.
Is Soros’s interference weakening the EU?
Once more, powerful powers are attempting to destroy the European nations and unite them under the control of a world empire. The Soros network has been striving for years to turn Europe into an immigrant continent by integrating itself within its bureaucracy and political elite. The Soros network poses the biggest threat to the European Union today because it advocates for an open global society and tries to destroy national frameworks. The network’s objectives are clear: to deconstruct national decision-making and entrust it to the global elite while accelerating migration in order to build open societies.
The European Union is afflicted by a number of problems, including a migratory crisis that began in 2015, a severe global pandemic in 2020, and an economic crisis that has reached unprecedented dimensions since 2008. Since Europe has yet to fully recover from its prior crises, the effects of the coronavirus pandemic could cause even more suffering. There are already indications of this: public debt, unemployment rates, and the overall economic condition have all reached critical levels in a number of countries. There has never been a more pressing need for European solidarity, for European countries to band together to support one another.
This speculator, who considers himself a philanthropist, made decisions that were in his own best interests throughout all of these crises rather than those of the people of Europe. He famously attacked the Hungarian forint and the country’s biggest bank during the economic crisis, and during the migrant crisis, he planned to speed up, distribute, and finance immigrant resettlement. Now, he is suggesting that Member States punish one another instead of embracing solidarity and mutual aid.
Unholy nexus of Soros and the left
Recent activities by Soros imply that he has shifted to the left, particularly in the fields of criminal justice reform and refugee help. He recently established a fund to support the candidature of radical Philadelphia district attorney Larry Krasner and supported three candidates for district attorney in California who shared his commitment to prosecutorial reform. Additionally, he contributed $500 million to help with the world refugee problem.
On the other hand, some of his actions suggest that Soros is still loyal to a traditional Democratic party that is unprepared to deal with the issues that characterise our time of crisis. He openly supported Hillary Clinton in the 2016 Democratic primaries. Hillary’s single largest donor, Soros, gave her $30 million for her campaign. Additionally, he recently denounced Kirsten Gillibrand, a likely Democratic presidential candidate, for pressuring Al Franken to resign after his sexual harassment of radio personality Leeann Tweeden. If Soros keeps supporting really progressive causes, he will significantly advance the open society; yet, if he chooses to support mediocre Democrats, he will support the continued deterioration of American public life.
Soros meddling to ruin economies
Soros was inspired to return to economics by the financial problems of 2008. He did not find the collapse surprising; instead, he saw it as a natural result of market fundamentalism. Instead, it convinced him that “a long period of relative stability based on the US as the dominant power and the dollar as the main international reserve currency” was about to come to an end, as he wrote in his 2008 book The New Paradigm for Financial Markets.
According to The Independent in 2016, the stolen emails also revealed that OSF had invested millions of dollars in organisations that aided Palestinian civil society. The most well-known transaction made by George Soros’ Quantum Fund was a wager made against the Bank of England in 1992. Soros is thought to have planned the financial collapse in Thailand in 1997. According to a Business Insider article, Soros wagered ” under $1 billion” of his $12 billion war chest “against the [Thai currency] baht.” There is a lot of speculation that Soros used his political contacts for the Asian crisis since he gambled so heavily on the baht. According to Russian News, the OSF emails released by DCLeaks in 2016 also demonstrated George Soros’ efforts to “oust Putin and destabilise Russia.”
The George Soros-led network has now abandoned any reservations it may have had an about open intervention. He intends to exert greater pressure than ever before on national governments. He is a provoking conflict between the peoples of Europe. The network’s intricate operational structure can be found in many spheres of public life. George Soros employs a large number of individuals who pose as members of civil society organizations, including politicians, journalists, judges, bureaucrats, and political agitators. Furthermore, the billionaire is the most corrupt person in the world despite the fact that he accuses all of his rivals of being dishonest. He buys and pays off everyone he can, and the network will use its potent weapon, the left-wing media battalions, to defame, denigrate, threaten, and destroy those whom he is unable to influence.
(The author is a post-graduate student in International Relations at Kalinga University, Raipur. The opinions expressed are the author’s own)
Aayush Pal is a freelance writer on contemporary geopolitical developments. The views expressed in his work are entirely his own.