Chinese firms buy schools in UK and other countries but bars foreign curriculum and foreign ownership in private schools in China

By SamvadaWorld Staff May18,2021

China’s State Council has announced tough new laws halting the teaching of foreign curriculum in schools from kindergarten to grade nine (K-9) and prohibiting the ownership or control of any private K-9 schools by foreign entities.

The new laws, which come into effect on Sept. 1, are the latest in a series of measures intended to tighten control of the country’s fast-growing education sector. China currently has private K-9 schools that teach local and foreign curricula.

As reported, members of the board of directors or any other decision-making body at a private K-9 school must be Chinese nationals and must include representatives from the regulators, according to the Private Education Promotion Law published on Friday on a government website.

The K-9 schools will no longer be able to organize entrance tests or recruit in advance. Also, public K-9 schools will be barred from establishing private schools or converting themselves into private schools.

As per media reports, China is framing tough new rules for its booming private tutoring industry, aiming both to ease pressure on schoolchildren and to boost the country’s birth rate by lowering family living costs.

Chinese firms buying out British schools

Hundreds of independent schools which are under financial stress after the impact of the coronavirus pandemic are being targeted by Chinese investors, an investigation by The Daily Mail has revealed.

As per the findings of the investigation, it is anticipated Chinese firms are on a buying frenzy and that these firms are owned by high-ranking members of the ruling Chinese Communist Party. The intent is to expand Chinese influence over Britain’s education system, say experts part of the investigative report.

Seventeen schools are already owned by Chinese companies, but that number is set to rocket says the Daily Mail report. Amid rising concern about Beijing’s tentacles reaching into British classrooms, an investigation by Daily Mail reveals:

  • Nine of the 17 schools under Chinese control are owned by firms whose founders or bosses are among China’s most senior Communist Party members;
  • Princess Diana’s preparatory school is owned by a Chinese group that openly trades on her name;
  • Schools are using educational tools for teaching children a ‘whitewashed’ view of China;
  • One firm admitted its acquisition of British schools is aimed at supporting China’s controversial Belt And Road strategy, which aims to expand Beijing’s global influence.

The buying of British schools was first reported in 2015 which has continued all these years. However, the financial stress brought by the pandemic gave fillip to the buying spree. Many independent schools are facing a funding crisis, enrolments have plummeted and fees have been slashed because pupils are learning from home because of the pandemic.

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