- The most significant problem in SAARC is the problem of member countries like Pakistan, sponsoring, promoting and sheltering terrorists and engaging in acts of cross-border terrorism.
- Pakistan would be better off if it learns about the seriousness of the issue as no country can serve well by aiding and supporting terrorism and using trade as a guide to its wicked motives, said Dr Jaishankar.
A day without Humiliation is a day wasted for Pakistan, wherein not a day goes by when they are not named, shamed and even humiliated for what they are and their actions. As a matter of fact, the external affairs Minister of India Dr S Jaishankar took a jibe at Pakistan in the SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) meeting saying that India cannot and will not tolerate a situation where in a state (In reference to Pakistan) cannot engage in terrorism at night and trade with states during the day.
While much has not been heard from SAARC in recent times as little or no meetings happened in the recent past due to the inability and the lack of ability by Pakistan to abide by the basic requirements of the SAARC membership, causatively becoming an obstacle or better to be said a liability to be a basic member of the SAARC. Dr S Jaishankar said it would be better off if Pakistan learns about the seriousness of the issue as no country can serve well by aiding and supporting terrorism and using trade as a guide to its wicked motives.
While this is not the first time that Dr S Jaishankar has criticized Pakistan for its involvement in cross-border terrorism, at this meeting he specifically pointed at Pakistan stating SAARC is inactive because one state believes that cross-border terrorism is compactable and continues to do so without learning any valuable lessons.
Interestingly SAARC, a regional Intergovernmental Organization of 8 Asian countries comprising Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka has been pivotal in its foundational history and roots of the need to establish deep and well-braided ties that are unbroken between south Asian and South East Asian Countries.
While the idea of cooperation between south-east Asian countries has remained for a long, the creation of SAARC ushered a new era in having agreed to create a trade and a platform for the people of South Asia to work together with the spirit of friendship, trust and most importantly understanding. Five of the most important basis or agreed basis for cooperation as adopted in the declaration of SAARC includes the fields of Agriculture, Rural Development, Telecommunications, Meteorology, and most importantly health and population activities.
For SAARC, the long-lasting peace and prosperity of the Southeast Asian region is a matter of concern, especially with the ongoing conflicts in the region. SAARC has a specific and integral interest in helping member states by providing policy services, technical support on system development, capacity building for holistic development and management of disaster management and much more.
However, the most significant problem in SAARC is the problem of member countries like Pakistan, sponsoring, promoting and sheltering terrorists and engaging in acts of cross-border terrorism. Dr S Jaishankar has repeatedly stated that it is impossible for India to even maintain a good relationship with Pakistan if they continue to engage in terrorism.
Dr Jaishankar goes on to say that it is common sense that the basis for such explanations has been formulated and that he is perplexed by the fact that SAARC as an organization has never even come closer to the level of taking such decisions and things will only get difficult from here. “This is clearly the policy decision that the organization has taken and we would continue to abide by it as long as Pakistan as a nation is willing to cooperate and eradicate not just the links to terrorism but also enumerate engaging in terrorism, acts of terrorism and in sheltering rogue and terrorist elements not just against India, but as a whole“, he said.
(Ashish is pursuing a post-graduation in International Relations. His areas of interest include defence, strategic cooperation, International affairs, Intelligence – Counter intelligence & Analytical Investigation. Opinions expressed are the author’s own)
- https://www.indiatoday.in/amp/india/story/eam-jaishankar-saarc-pakistan-cross-border-terrorism-india-china-ladakh-standoff-khalistan-issue-2399391-2023-06-29
- https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/terror-by-night-trade-by-day-s-jaishankars-veiled-attack-on-pakistan-4161341
- https://m.timesofindia.com/videos/news/jaishankar-rips-into-pakistan-cant-allow-terror-by-night-trade-by-day-why-saarc-meet-wont-happen/amp_videoshow/101360217.cms
- https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/jaishankars-no-discussion-remark-on-pakistan-question-still-a-little-perplexed-by-101687961637061.html
- https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/pakistan-foreign-minister-a-promoter-spokesperson-of-terror-industry-jaishankar/article66817325.ece
- https://www.saarc-sec.org/index.php/about-saarc/about-saarc
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Asian_Association_for_Regional_Cooperation#:~:text=The%20South%20Asian%20Association%20for,%2C%20Pakistan%2C%20and%20Sri%20Lank