Russia sends 22 tonnes of Medical equipment to India, including oxygen support, lung ventilation devices, medical monitors and drugs

MOSCOW REGION, RUSSIA - APRIL 28, 2021: An Ilyushin Il-76 strategic airlifter of the Russian Emergencies Ministry prepares to make a charter flight from Zhukovsky International Airport and deliver medical supplies to India. Russia's President Putin informed India's Prime Minister Modi of his decision to send humanitarian aid to the republic experiencing a severe COVID-19 crisis. Russia Emergencies Ministry/TASS THIS IMAGE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY. EDITORIAL USE ONLY Ðîññèÿ. Ìîñêîâñêàÿ îáëàñòü. Ñàìîëåò Èë-76 Ì×Ñ ÐÔ ñ ãðóçîì ìåäèöèíñêîãî îáîðóäîâàíèÿ, êîòîðûé ïðåäíàçíà÷åí äëÿ áîðüáû ñ êîðîíàâèðóñíîé èíôåêöèåé, â àýðîïîðòó Æóêîâñêèé. Ïðåçèäåíò ÐÔ Âëàäèìèð Ïóòèí ïðîèíôîðìèðîâàë ïðåìüåð-ìèíèñòðà Èíäèè Íàðåíäðó Ìîäè î ðåøåíèè ïðåäîñòàâèòü ðåñïóáëèêå ýêñòðåííóþ ãóìàíèòàðíóþ ïîìîùü äëÿ áîðüáû ñ êîðîíàâèðóñîì. Ñíèìîê ñ âèäåî. Ì×Ñ Ðîññèè/ÒÀÑÑ ÏÐÅÄÎÑÒÀÂËÅÍÎ ÒÐÅÒÜÅÉ ÑÒÎÐÎÍÎÉ. ÒÎËÜÊÎ ÄËß ÐÅÄÀÊÖÈÎÍÍÎÃÎ ÈÑÏÎËÜÇÎÂÀÍÈß
Ilyushin Il-76 strategic airlifter of the Russian Emergencies Ministry prepares to make a charter flight from Zhukovsky International Airport and deliver medical supplies to India. (Image credit: TASS News Agency)

The second Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations (EMERCOM) flight with a shipment of anti-Covid aid reached India during early hours of April 29 at the Indira Gandhi International Airport.

The first flight landed at the same airport at about 01:30 local time (about 23:00 Wednesday Moscow time). The Indian Red Cross Society, which is the consignee of the cargo, will distribute it among medical facilities.

Earlier Kremlin announced that more than 22 tonnes of cargo were sent to India on two flights of the Russian Emergencies Ministry, including 20 pieces of equipment for oxygen support, 75 artificial lung ventilation devices, 150 medical monitors and 200,000 packages of drugs for the treatment of coronavirus infection.

The US too has said that it will deliver emergency COVID-19 assistance to the tune of over $100 mln to India in the coming days, the White House announced on its website on Wednesday. The assistance includes, in particular, oxygen support, therapeutics, rapid diagnostic tests, personal protective equipment.

PM Modi and Putin dicuss bilateral ties

On April 28, PM Narendra Modi and President of the Russian Vladimir Putin spoke over the phone and discussed the evolving Covid-19 pandemic situation. President Putin conveyed that Russia would extend all possible support to India to fight COVID-19.

Approval for emergency use of Sputnik-V vaccine in India was appreciated by President Putin. The leaders noted that the Russian vaccine will be manufactured in India for use in India, Russia and third countries.

Both leaders attached importance to further deepening bilateral cooperation in various sectors in the spirit of our special and privileged partnership. Prime Minister Modi conveyed appreciation for the support received from Russia for India’s Gaganyaan Program and the completion of the Russian phase of training of the four Gaganyaan astronauts.

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