India and Bangladesh: Strengthening Diplomatic Bridges Amid Challenges

  • India and Bangladesh have witnessed significant bilateral economic engagements, ranging from enhancing connectivity to joint efforts in combating terrorism.
  • Bangladesh has managed to balance its relationship with two giant neighbours adeptly; It has attracted significant Chinese investments while also fostering Indian investments, thereby enhancing economic activities and development in the country.
  • Given the strained relations between Bangladesh and the United States, India could play a pivotal role in improving relations among the two important allies.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina of Bangladesh has made history as the first foreign dignitary to visit India during Narendra Modi’s 3rd term. She was in New Delhi to attend Prime Minister Modi’s swearing-in ceremony on June 9th and 10th of this year. During her visit, Prime Minister Hasina will be meeting with Prime Minister Modi to discuss cross-border connectivity, economic exchanges, and joint efforts to combat terrorism between the two nations.

It’s also significant that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will undertake an official visit to China soon after visiting India, emphasizing Bangladesh’s diplomatic priorities. Bangladesh values its relationship with India more than with China, making India its preferred partner. This close relationship has cemented Bangladesh as India’s closest ally in South Asia.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina of Bangladesh has adeptly maintained a balance between China and India. Situated between these two giants, Bangladesh has skillfully managed its relationships, which has been crucial in maintaining strategic autonomy in the region. This approach has allowed Bangladesh to benefit from both nations: accepting Chinese investments while also fostering significant Indian investments, thereby enhancing economic activities and development in the country.

In recent years, India and Bangladesh have witnessed significant bilateral economic engagements, ranging from enhancing connectivity to joint efforts in combating terrorism. Last year both countries made connectivity projects like the Akhaura – Agartala Cross-Border Rail Link, the Khulna – Mongla Port Rail Line, and Unit II of the Maitree Super Thermal Power Plant. The Akhaura – Agartala Cross-Border Rail Link project has been implemented with a grant assistance of INR 392.52 crore provided by the Government of India to Bangladesh. And this is further expected to increase amid the present visit by PM Hasina.

One of the major highlights of the growing India and Bangladesh relationship has been towards there joint success in combating terrorism from groups like the United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA), the National Democratic Front of Bodoland (NDFB), the National Liberation Front of Tripura (NLFT), All Tripura Tiger Force (ATTF). This military group was accused of seeking refuge in Bangladesh and causing instability in India. However, with the improving relationship between India and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, there has been a mutual understanding. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has shown concern regarding these terrorist groups and has been proactive in not only preventing them from finding shelter but also in extraditing these militant groups to India.

One of the recent growing geopolitical tensions involves Bangladesh and its strained relationship with the United States of America. This tension escalated last year when Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina criticized the United States for holding Bangladesh responsible for eroding democracy. The U.S. also urged Bangladesh to conduct transparent elections earlier this year. The issue becomes even more complicated with last month’s bombshell revelation by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, accusing the United States of attempting to establish a new Christian country in present-day Bangladesh and Myanmar. She further accused the United States of balkanizing the regions of Bangladesh and Myanmar. These revelations highlight the current strained relationship between Bangladesh and the United States.

India can potentially serve as a bridge between Bangladesh and the United States. This role was evident during the last G20 meeting where Prime Minister Modi facilitated interactions between Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and her European counterparts, making her feel welcomed and comfortable. Similarly, India could play a pivotal role in improving relations between Bangladesh and the United States.

(Views and opinions expressed are the author’s own)

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