- The battle between the Republicans and the Democrats not just spans the political realm but also the psychological realm.
- The mind games in the 2024 US presidential elections are more than just political, it is also a reflection of the deep-rooted ideological and cultural differences in the USA.
- The battle between Trump and Harris symbolises two factions of American society; one which looks to restore the glorious past of America and the other which is hoping for a more tolerant and inclusive America.
The stage for one of the biggest political showdowns has been set as we are approaching one of the most phenomenal elections in the history of the USA. Historical because it could pave the way for the induction of the first woman of colour to preside over the nation. On the one hand, we have the man whose name is synonymous with the unapologetic form of leadership and, on the other, a woman struggling to make her way to the highest office which has never happened in the past. She is also defying the odds and giving her best to fight a dream run if it is going to be a success. This battle between the Republicans and the Democrats not just spans the political realm but also the psychological realm. The mind games, both the candidates play in the due course of campaigning have a profound impact on the voter mentality and the public at large.
The Art of Framing: Who Controls the Narrative?
Be it anything, an election campaign or a winning speech, people swarm around like bees if one is capable of controlling the narrative, and that is the paramount ability a politician should master. And Donald Trump, ever the showman owns this art. His ability to frame the narrative is simple but powerful. He has this ability to resonate with the voters and make them believe that he is here to restore the fading glory of the USA. And he is the only one capable of restoring it. This brings about a sense of trust for the establishment in the minds of the voters.
At the same time, Trump focuses on portraying Harris as an ‘out of reach’ for ordinary Americans. A narrative is created where Americans shall find it difficult to relate to the strategy of Harris as they are highly progressive and shall pave the way for economic ruin, open borders, fewer jobs and utter chaos. The already troubled ordinary citizens of America due to globalization will be heavily influenced by this narrative and it can alter the voting behaviour.
But Kamala Harris is no novice in the game. She has taken good care of her persona by portraying herself as the leader of all Americans in utter contrast with Trump who is- divisive, ruthless and chaotic. She has managed to maintain a poised attitude throughout the campaign and has reassured the voters to not repeat the mistakes that Trump had committed during his presidency. She presents herself as the one capable enough to sail the ship that is USA through the times of crisis.
Character, Identity and Personal attacks
Trump has always had the style of attacking his opponents personally. Infamous for his degrading comments on Mrs. Clinton, which were aimed at lowering her morale, Trump didn’t mind repeating the same in 2024 either. He attacked Harris by calling her a token candidate and not smart enough to stand against him in elections. Where Trump presents himself as a masculine figure, strong and capable enough to maintain the toughness and strength the post seeks, goes on to portray Harris as a weak candidate who barely has any clue or expertise on what she does.
This has had a profound impact on the voters as many love and admire Trump for his fearless nature and his non-conformity to the traditional methods of politics. His attitude of fearing none and speaking his mind out has been hailed by many. At the same time, the too-feminine character portrayed, of Harris might not help her gain the votes of the orthodox and the narrow-minded Americans who believe politics is the job of the strong men and not the weak women.
Harris being a woman of colour might turn to her advantage and disadvantage at the same time. Advantage because the progressive and inclusive lot in America might look forward to their first lady president, much better and more inclusive if she is a woman of colour. But this could be one reason why the non-inclusive Americans might not want her in power. The very thought of a woman of colour presiding over the country might be unacceptable for many. But Kamala seemed to have turned the narrative in her favour. She is trying to portray herself as the American dream where all communities enjoy equal rights. She believes that Trump’s rhetoric is indicative of the past and now it was high time the country moved on from it. A new era of inclusion and oneness. She has tried hard to make her candidature a cultural statement to pull votes in her favour.
The Psychology of Fear and Hope
Trump has always employed the psychology of fear to win his elections. His claims clad in the impending doom that awaits the country if Harris comes into power are sure to overwhelm the voters and create a sense of anxiety in them. His campaign which is heavily invested in fear, speaks of cities with open borders and crashing economies all because of the socialist policies of the democrats. He has successfully used and tested this tactic in his previous election. This tactic of fear causes inhibition in the minds of the voters who eventually go for the familiar than the unfamiliar.
Trump who paints a bleak picture of America under Harris, claims he would restore the glory of America. This tactic attracts voters as anybody and everybody would be clenched in fear of what might occur.
The tactics used by Harris are in stark contrast with Trump. She uses a two-sided tactic where she focuses on the hope of a better future laid on better policies and administration and draws out instances of maladministration during the previous tenure of Trump. She envisions a future where diversity is celebrated, there is equality of opportunity, and challenges are met with compassion and thus resolved. As a woman and a person of colour, these claims seem more believable to the general public as women are generally perceived to be softer and more compassionate. But making people believe that her vision is not just aspirational but achievable is a herculean task with a candidate like Trump as her opponent.
The Legal and Ethical Battlefield
Trump infamous for his slew of legal challenges, is attempting to frame a narrative that says all of the cases have been propaganda against him to pull him out of favour. The victim card played by Trump is sure to get him the sympathy votes of a major chunk of the population if he can put his point on the table clearly and straight.
At the same time, Harris has decided not to let go of this opportunity and has framed her arguments in a way that she portrays Trump as unfit to assume the office. She believes a man who has no value for law is not fit for the post as he seeks a leader with integrity and purity.
The mind games in the 2024 US presidential elections are more than just political, it is also a reflection of the deep-rooted ideological and cultural differences in the USA. They symbolise the two factions of American society, one which is looking forward to the glorious past of America being restored and the other which is hoping for a more tolerant and inclusive America. These mind games can shape voting patterns and are capable enough to change the course of the elections.
(Megha Joshy Mathew is a Research Scholar and Junior Research Fellow at Pondicherry University, specialising in International Relations. Her areas of interest include West Asian/Middle Eastern Politics, Conflict and Peace Studies apart from Gender in International Politics. Views expressed are the author’s own)

Megha Joshy Mathew is a research scholar from the Department of Politics and International Studies at Pondicherry University. Views expressed are the author’s own.